Friday, May 22, 2009

Posted by Yash on/at 6:56 AM

New star trek game and this is very conceptual gaming are providing unique technology, and whole gaming is really very extra ordinary and very lovely working by Shane McGlaun:

I tend to play more video games than board games, but when you have a group of friends over sometimes it can be fun to go old school and whip out some board games. Star Trek fans looking to prove that they have the most useless sci-fi factoids stored away in their neural net will be glad to hear a new Star Trek board game is available.

The game is called Star Trek Scene It and it’s a trivia game that uses a DVD to show clips from the various TV series and feature films int the Star Trek franchise. I see Picard is included on the box image; he was the best Enterprise captain ever if you ask me.

Two collector’s editions of the game are being offered that both come with additional content and embossed metal tins that the standard versions lack. Among the collector’s editions are the Captains box and the limited edition Ships version, both available to purchase now. I wonder if the instructions are written in Klingon


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