Friday, May 22, 2009

Posted by Yash on/at 7:03 AM

Which video game has the best whistle—Sony or Microsoft? After endless arguments between two, the issue that has broken the monotony has the same blood group.

Yes, now the discussion who among them offers the best games? It seems that Sony Corporation has an answer to this as the group is planning to introduce a slimmer model of the PlayStation Portable (PSP) video-game player.

The revamped PSP is a third lighter than its predecessor and is19% slimmer with improved battery life and video display. Expected to hit the market in September, the PSPs can be plugged into television sets to play on the larger screens or to watch video downloaded to the devices.

“All of the PSP entertainment content viz. games, photos, videos can be accessible now on PSP as well,” said Kaz Hirai, chief executive officer of Tokyo-based Sony’s worldwide video-game business.

This new version will take on Nintendo Co.’s DS portable player that has outsold the PlayStation Portable five to one in May in Japan on 4 June.

With the cut in the price from $199 to $169, the sales of the product have increased to 90%.

Packed with games and accessories, the PSP will be available in two special editions viz. “Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron” and “Daxter”. While the former will be white with the image of “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader on the back, the later (silver version) will include a DVD with episodes from “The Family Guy” television series.


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