Friday, May 8, 2009

Posted by Yash on/at 6:52 AM

If there was one thing that I learned at CES, it was that 3D was going to be big this year. I reported on many products designed for a 3D society, like the BCS Championship Game and some ViewSonic products. I think the barrage of 3D movies that we are seeing is evidence of a new 3D age.
A company known as RealD, a huge name in tech in the 3D world, has created the RealD LP, a Linear Polarizing Z Screen that can “bring the power of 3D to the small screen”. The company has also stated that the RealD LP is “the world’s first mobile, single-projector, passive 3D solution”.
The RealD LP is a peripheral that sits in front of a projector lens, and can polarize the imagery from 3D enabled projectors. Yes, you will need to wear the glasses, but you can wear the polarized ones instead of the circular system that is normally used.
The RealDLP is made for projectors, preferably those in business meeting rooms, R&D centers, and museum exhibits. I suppose that the next logical step is to make this accessible for the typical consumer.
So, what are we looking at here? An age where 3D is available in every home that has a projector? Well, it would certainly make all these 3D movies that are coming to the theater worth watching when they come to video.


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