Saturday, May 9, 2009

Posted by Yash on/at 4:07 AM

Waking up in the morning is one the hardest thing most human beings have to do. And the alarm clock was designed and built to really jolt us out of bed once it strikes the preset time. Still, we developed this innate ability to shut our alarm clocks off while we are still dozing, thus enabling us to continue our slumber.
Enter the Clocky. Clocky is an alarm clock with a huge twist. Cool design and loud colors are not the only reasons why a lot of people are getting hooked to this early morning riser. Where other alarm clocks falter, Clocky excels – get us out of sleep and out of bed, literally.
This cool and sophisticated alarm clock not only wails the usual servings of a traditional alarm clock, Clocky blitzes from the nightstand once it hits the predetermined time to God knows where and will continue to blare until you shut it off.
Clocky has two wheels attached to each side that runs off when the alarm is triggered. It runs on a random path. On an ordinary morning, it may end up almost anywhere in your room.
Coupled with the alarm sounds it makes, you will be forced to get out of bed and turn it off. By the time you do, you are already wide awake. Unless you don’t get easily irritated by alarm clocks wailing under your bed for you to wake up, Clocky is a good buy for people who have troubles leaving their beds on an early morning.


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